@Waffles_Mcgangbanger I see. Thank you!
Another question, if you don't mind. On the Polygon web wallet, I'm only able to see how much my Matic coins are worth in USD e.g., 51 MATIC ~ $125 USD. I'm not able to see how much the MM tokens are estimated to be worth in the Polygon web wallet. Is this an issue for everyone else or is it just me? If it's something that is happening across the board is it because the difference of networks (having to buy on exchange on Quickswap)..?
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@hamster_ball this is true. You look up the current price of Million token by looking at the current chart pair. Coin gecko and coin market cap generate their prices by averaging a cross all the process on all the blockchains Million token is available.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ