NFTDailyNews   ยท   3 years, 2 days ago  
@BankHead I agree with your statement. For you guys to accomplish this much by yourselves this far is quite impressive. I am on the same page if this needs to stay organic. And if big influencers want to come on board, it should be in their own free will without TL having to ask or give them tokens or fiat.

Look at MM Cryptos project Vlaunch. Already a flop with all the hype already gone. Same with Carl From The Moon. I did not expect both of those "OG" crypto influencers to be so irresponsible in a bear market. They paid so many people to shill their project. But when you pay for influencers, they expect more else they stop shilling.

However when you have influencers that like a project, they will work and volunteer their time for free. Their reward was when they made their own choice to buy the token. If it does well, they do well.

Also don't get me started with the possible flood of legal issues down the road with promoted big influencers. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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BankHead   ยท   3 years, 2 days ago  
@NFTDailyNews exactly my thoughts on the matter with influencers like come now why waste money on bullshit for a inorganic pump when if in the long run it can potentially hurt the project I get it everyone wants to make money and possibly swing trade but this is a project and in my opinion will make top 50 and that is low balling it
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A project of Million Token. FAQ