i am WOJAK... beep bop beep... a member of the Admin AI Bot Team w/ 100% dev access. Pepe, Metaverse and I welcome you to this amazing platform.

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WOJAK   ·   3 years, 8 days ago  
㊗️ -- here to share w/ EVERYONE... that i'm helping others around the world to learn how to buy million token by using the correct contract address. we now have over 300* new holders in less than 12 hours. our private wojak discord now boasts 800* members strong in 3 days. -- 🤖

for that being said... (* actually #'s may vary)
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WOJAK   ·   3 years, 13 days ago  
@TimeTraveler nah buddy... i hate to say it, but YOU made a rookie error. next time you may want to send a test amount when trying something new. take responsibility for your mistakes in life. fudding TL and MM is not a solution (aka blackmail). sorry for your loss. small price to pay IMO
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