just uploaded a dick pic to opensea
Reply 7 Link
Looks looks good. It's another DAO NFT defi play looking to take on OpenSea
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Friendly reminder to my fellow Millionaires, if you're a long time Ethereum user, and you think you've spent more than $1559 in gas fees;

1. go-to to claim your free tokens!
2. go-to Stake them by delegating them to me to earn rewards!
3. You'll be letting me vote for you on
4. You can also participate by delegating to yourself, delegating costs gas, voting is gas-less!

Gas DAO aims to give a voice to the most active Ethereum/EVM users a voice in the EIP process. Call it an exotic pair, but I might be happy to provide liquidity for $GAS/$MM on Uniswap!

Their governance is ran a bit tighter too, might be worth reassessing how MM's Snapshot is moderated***
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@speculationhill.eth If one had a billion or so of these gas tokens whot would one be earning by delegating?
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Was Bitconnect web3? I didn't get into Bitconnect so I am not sure how it operated. If it wasn't web3, I wonder if a web3 version could make it better? Any thought? @TL
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@doombaby.eth Thanks very much doombaby that's exactly what I wanted to know.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ