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I understand....

Which is why I picked up more Million token today.
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Picked up more Million today.

Gas fees less than $5.00

XRP wins.

Bull is starting up.

What ya'll trying to do?
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@0xbb3dbb93314786c93bc7a20282e0a268f090076a The Black Swan Builds itself, trying is not required, understanding is, that's the hardest part though.
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Check it out here: >>>>>>>>>>>>
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@0xbb3dbb93314786c93bc7a20282e0a268f090076a This is actually a good video and you make a lot of good points!!
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Flock   ·   1 year, 16 days ago  
Hey if there are any Trading212 users in this community check out the API I wrote in python. I would appreciate some feedback
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@hologramsashi.eth I think I see what you did. That is a neat trick.
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@hologramsashi.eth Can you possibly say something that hasn't been repeated over a thousand times by every sentient being on this planet? Oh wait that's above your pay grade I forgot, sorry pal. But, fear not, since I have seen how good you are at following orders, I will tell you what to do next. Run back, and give the TL haters this message: Klaatu barada nikto, time is almost up. Now, I have some real business to attend to, so I will bid you adieu and goodbye.
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Junior's 8 year old birthday party? Congratulations on the booking. But clowns like you make people prefer mimes. You might have to consider the career move.
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You can put your guns away. I was never here to bother your online boyfriend.
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