OK Metaforians, we have had a lot of estimates for the ATH for MM but what do you all think will be the lowest that MM will reach in the current crash?
Obviously I am planning to buy some more but struggling to decide what the low point will be.
I dont see any $9 on quickswap, unless you mean quick wicks weeks ago.
I dont care for wicks btw, ofc a big seller can drive down the price to $1 on uniswap, or even below $1 on any other pool/dex, in one sell if they chose to. And it would be bought back up quick.
The important thing is what price it can go down to, without recovering in a long time.
@0x741d2b859b7b85e5fecf7e320ef8fdaeac47ed38 you dae jonze 😂😂😂😂😂.... no African first me reach here ..... check my first broadcast and compare to anyother person from the African continent 😁😁😁😁