Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?
it all makes sense now: 🤖 🍯 🦡
//TITLE {the dexter morgan of million token community source code}// @ECHO OFF START /I kelly.honeybadger1.exe TIMEOUT 10 TASKKILL /F /IM troll.the.trolls.exe START /I kelly.honeybadger2.exe TIMEOUT 10 TASKKILL /F /IM bully.the.bullies.exe START /I kelly.honeybadger3.exe TIMEOUT 10 TASKKILL /F /IM scam.the.scammers.exe PAUSE * live up to your profile's bio
we are bullish on million token and metafora. "we're not here to take part, we're here to take over.” ~ million token holders
hiya... feel free to join kelly's "honey badger clan" roll on our discord server. the only requirement is to have NO fear!
According to the zoologists, honey badgers have been described in the Guinness Book of Records as the "most fearless animal in the world" https://discord.com/channels/893584712285683732/931517853151133716/931523180143738920 https://tenor.com/view/inazuma-eleven-go-galaxy-inago-galaxy-anime-ratoniik-fertilia-gif-23630556
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