Hey guys, I have an interesting question, don't know why I didn't thought about it earlier. We have supply of 1 000 000 coins and a lot of holders. Who are we buying from? For example I'm not going to sell my coins unless the price is measured in thousands.

So right now (as I understand) we're buying from markets, which some of guys sell to. But if we (holders) buy every single coin and stop selling, the price will increase drastically, because we will create deficit and no one will be able to buy a single MM but on our conditions.

So what I suggest is to participate in buying our coins off market. It should be done in waves. Let's imagine, we (a hundred pals) agreed to buy some more coins at the same time tomorrow. We do it -> price go up -> some of this hundred sell instantly to gain the profit, but part of the coins are in our hands. So we repeat this "wave of buying" until we (true holders) have all the coins in our hand. Now we can control the future. What do you say?
Reply 14 Link
@RomanistHere _classic whale practice described. It`s beeing called pump and dump. Following your idea it`s same probable that only you is going to hold`em and world forgets it forever. We need to address TL with question how is he`s prepared for both scenarios of low and liquidity. He mentioned no lower than single USD.
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@RomanistHere _ I can see tones of communism around europe and took is as a fact. Going back to token I personally backup ideas of organic growth instead of hype. Simply good things doesn`t need hype because they are good and it`s even better to buy them cheaper in most of the cases which is my point. So no stearing friends - just give the TL a chance to be just himself. It`s more than enough in my feeling.
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@RomanistHere _ Let me be more clear. I categorically want to avoid MM being pumped by either paid or non paid influencers. Let just Patrick work his own way. Full stop.
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