After doing my research I see that owning MM is very, very good idea…also how do I upload a profile pic?
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Hey TL. I've been checking out the NFT Avatar collection, Interesting utility. some come with ART that also includes the 3d files and rigging, and they transfer commercial rights with the Art. So people can do alot with the avatars. Not a walled garden. you can use them in different metaverses, That brings me to NFT2040. its a game that lets people fight (firs person shooter) with there NFT Avatars. Even Tech lead NFT's potentially. See if you can build some kinda NFT funtionality
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@0xf2cd22d48bc211272e030a2d302c97af7760aa23 What NFTs are these and where can I find them?
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Excited to be a part of this!!
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