@JakePaul Hope you aren't going to spam us with Jake Paul tweets from a fan boy account. I'd rather not have this on Metafora, but hey -- that's just my opinion. ._.
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Hello everybody, this is my first post here, hope you're all doing well!
Reply 6 Link
Hi everyone, super new to purchasing crypto assets and crypto wallets. I've only really bought coins on Robinhood or SoFi.

I followed the directions to purchase a few MMs on the website using the Polygon network. I was curious to see how much my MM tokens would be worth if I were to swap MM to USCD on my MetaMask Polygon Mainnet wallet. It says currently says that 1MM ~ 11.53 USCD token; however, on Coinmarketcap it says that 1MM is about $12.34.

Can someone explain to me this difference? Is that ~11.53 on Metamask taking into account that I'm missing..?
Reply 4 Link
@Waffles_Mcgangbanger I see. Thank you!
Another question, if you don't mind. On the Polygon web wallet, I'm only able to see how much my Matic coins are worth in USD e.g., 51 MATIC ~ $125 USD. I'm not able to see how much the MM tokens are estimated to be worth in the Polygon web wallet. Is this an issue for everyone else or is it just me? If it's something that is happening across the board is it because the difference of networks (having to buy on exchange on Quickswap)..?
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@0xf7adf35efdc673eab9c9984a4e364e13e3964831 Yeah. I'm just curious what the price is, but I was wondering why it doesn't show the total estimate price on the Polygon web wallet home page. It shows how much MATIC I have and its current worth. For MM, it only shows the amount of MM I have but not its estimate worth, so I was curious as to why it's showing $0.00.

When I look up my wallet address on Polyscan, I'm able to see how much MM token I have and its estimate $USD worth.
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The Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell.
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@Wiwy My first post on Web3. I wonder what the actual first Web3 post is. Hoping it was something really dumb.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ